Sunday my husband and I took a hike, our second this season, our second this week. We enjoy hiking, though he likes to keep moving, focusing on the exercise aspect, while I like to stop and observe nature. We started from a parking lot in Salt Fork State Park in Mideast Ohio, about 5 minutes from our cabin, and hiked about a mile along a bridle path, to a horse camp. We rested there, explored the camp which was interesting but deserted, and then headed back along the same path to our car.
Two significant things happened on our hikes. The first was that there was evidence of SPRING! Wild rose and another bush that I don't know the name of had little green leaves all over them in Salt Fork. On our previous hike, last Monday in the Hampton Hills Metropark in Summit County (back home), I had seen colt's foot, one of the earliest flowers to appear in the spring. So it is official- spring is arriving! I always get cheered when I start seeing signs of spring.
The other significant occurrence also happened on both hikes. Usually, my husband has more energy and endurance than me. On both of these hikes, my husband was the first to say he was tired and needed a break. He keeps active when he can, but works long hours Tuesday through Friday. I work fewer hours, and have been going to the gym usually 4 days/week. It appears that it is paying off, in greater endurance.
Both the evidence of spring and the evidence of increased endurance motivate me to keep exercising and to keep hiking. One of my favorite activities at our cabin is hunting wildflowers. I have some wildflower identification books in which I mark each year when I find each species. It gives me incentive to traipse all over our property, almost 14 acres. I went out Monday looking for skunk cabbage, which should have been out before, but I could not find it three weeks ago when we were last there. I found it easily this time, maybe because I looked where I found it last year, instead of searching in another area. They say that whatever you are searching for will always be in the last place you look (that is because you stop looking for it when you find it).